To date I have successfully photographed more than 350 species of birds normally found in Southern Africa. With a database of more than 4000 images, most of the birds can be viewed in different poses and activities, also identification between male, female, chicks and immature birds. Not all available images are displayed here.
Image naming convention follows that from the Newman's Birds of Southern Africa (fully revised) and include the alternative and international names.
Abbreviations forming part of the naming convention are:
m=male, f=female, i=immature, br=breeding colours, n-br=non-breeding colours, c=chick
All images are available to the media, publishing agencies, private
individuals or corporate clients. Feel free to
should you wish to make use of my images. Pricing is
dependant on usage and will be quoted on when requested.
Feel free to
for any specific requirements you may have.
Apalis_Bar-throated Avocet_(Pied)
Babbler_Arrow-marked Babbler_Pied_Southern Barbet_Black-collared Barbet_Crested Barbet White-eared Bateleur Batis_Chin-spot Batis_Pririt Bee-eater_European Bee-eater_White-fronted Bishop_Red_(Southern Bishop Yellow-crowned Bittern_Little Bokmakierie Boubou_Southern Bulbul_Cape Bulbul Dark-capped Bulbul Red-eyed African Bunting Cinnamon-breasted Bunting Golden-breasted Bush-Shrike Grey-headed Bush-Shrike Orange-breasted Bustard_Denhams Bustard Kori Buzzard_(Steppe) Common Buzzard Honey European Buzzard Jackal
Canary_Black-throated Canary Cape Canary_Yellow Canary Yellow-fronted Chat_Ant-eating_(Southern) Chat Cliff Mocking Chat_Familiar Cisticola Lazy Cisticola_Levaillant's Cisticola Wailing Cisticola Zitting Coot_Red-knobbed Cormorant Bank Cormorant_Cape Cormorant_Crowned Cormorant_Reed Cormorant_White-breasted
Coucal_Burchells Courser_Double-banded Crake African Crake_Black Crake Spotted Crane_Blue Crane_Crowned Grey Crombec Long-billed Crow_Cape Crow_Pied Cuckoo_Diederik Cuckoo Levaillants Cuckoo_Red-chested Cuckooshrike_Black
Darter_African Dove (Ring-necked) Turtle Cape Dove_Laughing Dove_Namaqua Dove_Red-eyed Dove Rock Dove Wood Emerald-spotted Drongo_Fork-tailed Duck_Black African Duck Black-bellied Duck_Knob-billed Duck_Maccoa Duck_Whisteling Fulvous Duck Whisteling White-faced Duck_White-backed Duck_Wood Duck_Yellow-billed
Eagle Fish African Eagle_Snake_Black-chested Eagle Snake Brown Eagle Tawny Eagle Verreauxs Egret (Intermediate) Yellow-billed Egret_Cattle Wastern Egret_Great Egret_Little Eremomela_Green-capped
Flacon Amur Finch (Weaver) Scaly-feathered Finch_Cuckoo Finch_Cut-throat Finch_Red-headed Firefinch Jamisons Firefinch Red-billed Fiscal (Common) Southern Flamingo_Greater Flufftail Red-chested Flycatcher Ashy Flycatcher_Black_(Southern) Flycatcher Dusky African Flycatcher_Fairy Flycatcher_Fiscal Flycatcher_Marico Flycatcher_Paradise_(African) Flycatcher_Spotted Francolin_Crested Francolin Orange River Francolin Red-winged
Go-away-bird Grey Godwit Black-tailed Goose_Egyptian Goose Spur-winged Goshawk Chanting Pale Goshawk Gabar Grassbird_Cape Grebe_Great_Crested Grebe Little Greenbul Sombre Greenshank_Common Guineafowl Crested Guineafowl_Helmeted Gull_Franklin's Gull_Grey-headed Gull_Hartlaub's Gull Kelp
Hamerkop Harrier Marsh African Hawk Harrier- African Heron (Striated) Green-backed Heron Black Heron_Black-headed Heron_Goliath Heron_Grey Heron_Night_Black-crowned Heron_Purple Heron_Squacco Honeybird Brown-backed Hoopoe_African Hornbill_Grey_African Hornbill_Ground_Southern Hornbill_Red-billed Hornbill Yellow-billed Southern
Ibis_Bald_Southern Ibis_Glossy Ibis_Hadeda Ibis_Sacred_(African) Indigobird Purple
Jacana African
Kestrel_Greater Kesterl Lesser Kestrel_Rock Kingfisher_Brown-hooded Kingfisher_Giant Kingfisher_Half-collared Kingfisher_Malachite Kingfisher_Pied Kingfisher_Woodland Kite_Black-winged Kite_Yellow-billed Korhaan_Black_Northern
Lapwing Blacksmith Lapwing Crowned Lapwing Wattled African Lark Fawn-coloured Lark Flappet Lark Melodious Lark Monotonous Lark Red-capped Lark_Rufous-naped Lark Sabota Longclaw Cape Longclaw Yelow-throated
Mallard Manniken_Bronze Martin_Banded Martin Brown-throated Martin_House Martin Rock Moorhen_(Common) Mousebird_Red-faced Mousebird_Speckled Mynah Common
Openbill African Oriole_Black-headed Osprey Western Ostrich_(Common) Owl Barn Western Owl_Eagle- Cape Owl Eagle- Spotted Owl_Eagle- Verreauxs Owl_Grass_African Oxpecker Red-billed Oystercatcher_African_Black
Parakeet Rose-ringed Parrot_Brown-headed Peafowl_Indian Pelican Pink-backed Pelican_White_Great Penguin_African Penguin_Rockhopper Pigeon_Green_African Pigeon_Olive_African Pigeon_Speckled Pipet_African Pipet_Plain-backed Pipet Buffy Pipit_Long-billed Plover Kittlitz's Plover Ringed Common Plover_Three-banded Plover_White-fronted Pochard_Southern Prinia Black-chested Prinia_Karoo Prinia_Tawnyflanked Puffback_Black-backed Pytilia Green-winged
Rail_African Raven_White-necked Robin Scrub Kalahari Robin Scrub White-browed Robin-chat_Cape Robin-chat Red-capped Robin-chat White-throated Roller_European Roller_Lilac-breasted Ruff
Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Marsh Sandpiper_Wood Secretarybird Seedeater Streaky-headed Shelduck_South African Shoveler_Cape Shrike Crimson-breasted Shrike Grey Lesser Shrike Magpie Shrike_Red-backed Snipe_African Sparrow_Cape Sparrow Great Sparrow_Grey-headed_Southern Sparrow_House Sparrowhawk Black Sparrowhawk Ovambo Sparrow-weaver White-browed Spoonbill_African Spurfowl Cape Spurfowl Natal Spurfowl Red-necked Spurfowl Swainsons Starling_Glossy_Cape Starling_Glossy_Blue-eared_Greater Starling_Burchell's Starling_Common Starling_Pied_(African) Starling_Red-winged Violet-backed Starling Wattled Stilt_Black-winged Stint Little Stonechat_(African) Stork Marabou Stork_Saddle-billed Stork_White Stork Wooly-necked Stork_Yellow-billed Sugarbird_Cape Sunbird_Amethyst Sunbird Collared Sunbird_Double-collared_Greater Sunbird_Double-collared_Lesser_(Southern) Sunbird Malachite Sunbird Marico Sunbird Olive Sunbird Purple-banded Sunbird Scarlet-chested Sunbird_White-bellied Swallow_Barn Swallow_Pearl-breasted Swallow Red-breasted Swallow_Striped_Greater Swallow_Striped_Lesser Swallow_White-throated Swamphen African Purple Swift Little Swift Palm African Swift White-rumped
Teal_Cape Teal_Hottentot Teal_Red-billed Teal_Ringed Tern Caspian Tern Sandwich Tern_Swift Tern_Whiskered Tern_White-winged Thick-knee Spotted Thick-knee Water Thrush_Groundscraper Thrush_Karoo Thrush_Kurrichane Thrush_Olive Thrush Rock Cape Thrush Rock Short-toed Tinkerbird_Yellowfronted Tit_Black_Southern Tit-Babbler (Warbler) Chestnut-vented Turaco Knysna Turaco Purple-crested Turnstone_Ruddy
Vulture_Cape Vulture Lappet-faced Vulture Palm-nut Vulture White-backed Wagtail_Cape Wagtail_Pied_African
Warbler Marsh Warbler Reed African Warbler Reed Great Warbler_Sedge Warbler Swamp Lesser Warbler_Willow Waxbill_Blue Waxbill_Common Waxbill Grey Waxbill_Orange-breasted Waxbill Violet-eared Weaver (Eastern Golden) Yellow Weaver Buffalo Red-billed Weaver_Cape Weaver_Masked_Lesser Weaver_Masked_Southern Weaver_Red-headed Weaver Sociable Weaver Spectacled Weaver_Thick-billed Weaver_Village Wheatear_Capped Wheatear Mountain White-eye_Cape Whitethroat Common Whydah Paradise Long-tailed Whydah_Pin-tailed Widowbird Fantailed Widowbird_Long-tailed Widowbird_Red-collared Widowbird_White-winged Wood-hoopoe_Green Woodpecker_Cardinal Woodpecker_Golden-tailed Woodpecker Olive Wryneck_Redthroated